Westcoat EC-95 Clear Polyurethane Topcoat | 1 Gallon Kit

EC-95F is a two component, high solids, solvenated, flat polyurethane topcoat. The UV, mar and chemical resistant nature of this product allows it to surpasses most other types of sealers or topcoats when compared. The finishes available is a true flat sheen, that will reduce or eliminate light reflection and a clear gloss sheen which beautifully highlights and compliments almost any concrete project.
- Flat Coverage as Sealer: approx. 600-1000 square feet per gallon
- Gloss Coverage as Sealer: approx. 600-800 square feet per gallon
- VOC Content: <100 g/L
- Mix Ratio: 2:1 (by volume)
As a final coat over epoxy systems, EC-95 must be applied within 24 hours. If more than 24 hours have passed, lightly abrade the surface and wipe with a solvent such as acetone or alcohol prior to the application. In all cases you will need to thin the EC-95 prior to application.
As a topcoat, premix each component separately. Mix 2 parts A with 1 part B (by volume) of EC-95, into a clean container. Mix thoroughly with a low speed (400-600 rpm) drill motor for 3-4 minutes. Make sure to scrape the sides and bottom of the container during mixing.
When applying as a sealer directly over Westcoat epoxy or urethane coatings, it is recommended to thin the EC-95F with equal parts of acetone. Thinning will help avoid bubbles and unevenness. It is recommended to thin the EC-95G with 10% to 50% of CA-23 or acetone. When applying directly over concrete, it is recommended to thin the EC-95G with equal parts of CA-23 or acetone. For maximum penetration, thin 2 parts of CA-23 or acetone to 1 part EC-95G, depending on the density of the concrete and build desired.
EC-95 Flat: ~600-1000 square feet per gallon as a sealer
EC-95 Gloss: ~275-300 square feet per gallon as a coating (2 mils dry).
~600-800 square feet per gallon as a sealer (thinned with acetone).
Applying EC-95F Flat
EC-95F MUST NOT BE APPLIED DIRECTLY OVER CONCRETE OR POLYMER OVERLAYS. As a precautionary measure, apply EC-95F over an epoxy or urethane (such as EC-32 or EC-95G Gloss) within 24 hours to eliminate possible whitening issues. Contact your Westcoat representative for further information.
EC-95F Flat can be sprayed or rolled. When applying over a smooth surface, immediately after mixing, transfer material into a Hudson type or airless sprayer. Spray evenly across entire surface, being sure to achieve full coverage.
If applying over a textured surface, you may roll the material. When rolling; immediately after mixing, spread a strip of the material onto the surface along the edge where it will be cut in using a brush. Pour the remaining material near the cut in area and spread evenly using a squeegee or flat trowel and back roll witha 3/8 to 1/2 inch non-shedding, solvent resistant roller cover. Apply quickly and do not over roll, as product will begin to "tack-up" as the air begins to cure it.
Applying EC-95G Gloss
EC-95G can be sprayed, rolled or brushed. Apply EC-95G within 24 hours afte rthe epoxy or urethane is applied. When applying over a smooth surface, immediately after mixing, transfer material into a Hudson type or airless sprayer. Spray evenly across entire surface, being sure to achieve full coverage.
When rolling; immediately after mixing, spread a strip of the material onto the surface along the edge where it will be cut in using a brush. Pour the remaining material near the cut in area and spread evenly using a squeegee or flat trowel and back roll with a 3/8 to 1/2 inch non-shedding, solvent resistant roller cover. Apply quickly and do not over roll, as product will begin to "tack-up" as the air begins to cure it.
Re-coat if needed, within 24 hours of application to ensure adhesion. If a delay occurs, it is recommended that the surface be lightly sanded and wiped with denatured alcohol just before reapplication. A test area should be performed prior to all re-coats.
Dry Time
EC-95F Flat: You may re-coat as soon as the surface is dry to the touch (~10 to 12 hours @ 72°F), but no later than 24 hours. Light foot traffic may be permitted in 24 hours. It will take 7 days for the material to cure completely. All times are based on average temperature of 72°F and 50% humidity. Dry times may increase slightly when solvent is added.
EC-95G Gloss: You may re-coat as soon as the surface is dry to the touch (~4 to 6 hours @ 72°F), but no later than 24 hours. Light foot traffic may be permitted in 12 hours, light vehicle traffic in 48 hours and heavy traffic in 7 days. All times are based on average temperature of 70°F and 50% humidity. Cooler temperatures will increase drying time.
Clean Up
Uncured material can be removed with an environmentally safe solvent. Cured material can only be removed mechanically. Equipment should be cleaned immediately after use with an environmentally safe solvent.
- This product is designed for professional use only.
- Be sure to measure and mix properly.
- EC-95F MUST NOT BE APPLIED DIRECTLY OVER CONCRETE OR POLYMER OVERLAYS. As a precautionary measure, apply EC-95F over an epoxy or urethane (such as EC-32 or EC-95G Gloss) within 24 hours to eliminate possible whitening issues. Contact your Westcoat representative for further information.
- Do not apply when ambient or substrate temperatures are below 50°F or above 90°F. Hot or cold weather will affect dry times.
- EC-95 must be cured for a minimum of 24 hours before coming into contact with water.
- Skid resistant additives are available, such as CA-29, CA-30 or CA-31.
- Please check with local laws governing the use of solvents.
- Do not allow Westcoat products to freeze.
- Product has a strong odor.