Schönox HPS 92 Acrylic Adhesive for Resilient Flooring 4-Gallon

Schönox HPS 92 Acrylic Adhesive for Resilient Flooring is suitable for bonding of Vinyl Composition, Vinyl Enhanced and Solid Vinyl Floor Tile on porous and non-porous substrates in interior areas.
- Basis: acrylic dispersion with bonding additives
- Color: tan
- Density: approx. 1.20 kg/l
- Storage temperature: not below 41°F
- Working temperature: not below 59°F
- Open time: approx. 120 minutes
- Drying time: approx. 48 hours
- Final strength (prior to maintenance routine): 5 days
- Coverage per 4 gal. unit when applied with notched trowel 1/32" x 1/16" x 1/32": 1280 sq.ft
Recommended method of working
- Stir SCHÖNOX HPS 92 well before use.
- Apply the adhesive using the appropriate notched trowel (1/32’’ x 1/16” x 1/32”) evenly over an area that can be covered within the open time of the adhesive. Testing of the recommended trowel is essential to ensure a good wetting.
- After the appropriate waiting time, the conditioned and unstressed Vinyl Tile is laid into the adhesive. On porous substrates: install flooring into wet or dry phase of the adhesive. On non-porous substrates: install during the „contact phase“ (dry to the touch). If in doubt, we recommend testing in a small area.
- Rub the covering down and roll it immediately (over non porous substrates) or after approx. 30 minutes (over porous substrates) in both directions using a 100 lb. roller. Roll again after a short waiting time.
- Wait at least 48 hours before grooving or welding.
- Remove fresh securing spots by using soapy water, dried spots clean with suitable cleaning wipes.
- Clean tools in water immediately after use.