Schönox Roll and Go Acrylic Adhesive 2.77 Gallon

Schönox Roll and Go is suitable for the bonding of Luxury Vinyl in Sheets and Tiles on Schönox self leveling compounds or smooth, porous concrete in residential and commercial areas.
- Basis: acrylic dispersion with bonding additives
- Color: light green
- Density: 1 kg/l (mixture)
- Storage temperature: not below 41°F
- Working temperature: not below 51 °F floor temperature
- Coverage per unit: approx. 1,380 sq.ft. per 2.7 gal. unit
- open time: approx. 2 hours
- Drying time: none, immediately loadable
- Final strength: after approx. 72 hours
Recommended method of working
- Schönox ROLL AND GO™ is stirred before use.
- Coverings to be bonded with Schönox ROLL AND GO™ should be conditioned, unstressed and in a flat position.
- Apply Schönox ROLL AND GO™ with the Schönox ROLL AND GO™ ROLLER evenly on the substrate avoiding pools of adhesive.
- After fitting the LVT without any bubbles, roll the covering using a metal roller. A second rolling should be done if required at a later stage.
- Trafficking, loading and polishing of coverings bonded with Schönox ROLL AND GO™ can be done immediately.
- The replacement of planks/tiles is possible without further substrate preparation using Schönox ROLL AND GO™. Replacements are done using the contact method first applying Schönox ROLL AND GO™ on the backing of the new LVT. After drying to transparency press the covering to the substrate covered with Schönox ROLL AND GO™.
- Remove fresh securing spots by using soapy water, dried spots clean with Schönox FIX CLEAN.
- In areas with heavy loadings, high humidity or temperature we recommend using Schönox PU 900.
- Ensure good ventilation during and after application and drying. Clean tools with
soap and water immediately after use.