Surecrete XS-PC12 Concrete Sealer

SureCrete XS-PC12™ high gloss concrete casting sealer is a specially formulated two-component, 59% solids, solvent-based polyurea coating designed for application on a wide range of concrete surfaces. XS-PC12 provides a clear color-enhancing and high gloss durable barrier against chemical attacks and scratching. Use XS-PC12 on commercial and residential concrete countertops, fireplace surrounds, shower panels, floor tiles, wall panels, and all Xtreme Series GFRC projects. XS-PC12 countertop sealer becomes food-safe when cured. It is stain resistant to most household chemicals and foods and is heat resistant to 300°F (149°C).
With its extremely high chemical resistance, the XS-PC12 concrete casting sealer is an ideal sealer for use on cast concrete pieces where you need a gloss coating with color enhancement.
How many square feet is the surface area of your project?
Tip: multiply the length (in feet) by the width (in feet)
- Package: Part "A" in short-filled metal can, part "B" in metal jar. 1 Quart combined contents
- Maximum VOC content: 400 g/l
- Solids content: 59%
- Single coat coverage: 100 sf per quart
Surface Preparation
The principles for surface preparation for XS-PC12 are aligned with other coating systems placed on Xtreme Series materials or concrete, the substrate must be:
- Cured: Before sealer application, Xtreme Series cast products must hydrate out of the mold for a minimum of 12 hours depending on temperature & humidity. Any standard concrete must be sufficiently cured to have complete hydration, approximately 14 days depending on temperature & humidity.
- Clean: The surface must be free of dust, dirt, oil, grease, paints, glues, sealers, curing agents, efflorescence, chemical contaminants, rust, algae, mildew and other foreign matter that may serve as a bond breaker or prevent proper adhesion. Clean surface with SCR in a dilution rate of 3 parts water to 1 part SCR (water: SCR; 3:1). After cleaning, allow surface to completely dry. For specific directions on cleaning refer to the TDS of SCR.
- Profiled: For Xtreme Series cast products and standard concrete, the proper profile is achieved through cleaning with SCR as described above. For polished pieces, like terrazzo, do not polish in excess of 400 grit, so that suitable profile is maintained for adhesion. XS-PC12 may be applied upon densified concrete. For specific directions on densifying, refer to the TDS of LD1800.
Apply in ambient and surface temperatures ranging above 60°F (16°C) and below 90°F (32°C) and that will remain within ranges for at least 12 hours. Avoid application during wet, foggy weather.
Maximum pot life: 30 minutes
Ready for re-coat: Dry to the touch
Re-coat “window”: After 12 hours sanding required
Light duty use: 24 hours
Full use: 48 hours
Complete cure: 7 days
- Product is flammable, turn off all fuel burning appliances and pilot lights. Be certain there are no potential sources of ignition.
- Provide for ventilation so that vapors do not accumulate. This product should not be sprayed or atomized.
- Select appropriate PPE (personal protection equipment). Use of a NIOSH approved respirator is required. Refer to SDS.
- Elevate the surface to be sealed above the supporting table, so that all edges can be conveniently sealed without dragging the roller across the supporting table.
Mixing and Handling
- Organize mixing area with appropriate measuring cups or spoons if portions of a kit are to be utilized. Once A and B are mixed, the product should be placed within 30 minutes.
- Pour 1 part into clean mixing vessel containing 3 parts A. To prevent moisture from entering product, reseal kits immediately after use. When resealing a partially used kit, clean any excess product from edge of can with xylene.
- Mechanically mix parts A and B for 2 minutes at slow to medium speed with a jiffy style mixer being careful not to introduce bubbles. After the 2 minute mix time the product is now catalyzed.
- Clean out or replace mixing and measuring containers and mixer blades in a reasonable fashion, so that the chemistry of A and B remain consistent. Xylene cleans up containers and product well prior to curing. Roller covers should not be reused for subsequent coats.
First Coat
- Clean surface to be sealed of dust or contaminants with xylene on micro-fiber rag.
- Utilize 4” – 6” (10 – 15 cm) high density foam roller, such as found at home centers, and identified as “door and cabinet” roller.
- Apply to vertical edge profiles first.
- Pour out enough product upon the surface, to wet the roller and cover a manageable area.
- Roll product in sections so that back-rolling can be accomplished before product begins to tack.
- Product has self-leveling characteristics. Do not overwork. Upon back-rolling if no roller marks are visible, leave surface alone
- Do not puddle. Push any excess amount of sealer from the surface.
- Product will not bridge, rough, open surfaces and pinholes.
- Imperfections may be touched up for several minutes. Due to relative quick cure, if bubbles form while touching up the surface, leave it alone. Imperfections and lap lines must be sanded out, as they will show up in subsequent step.
- Allow to dry sufficiently to proceed to next step. Surface must be completely dry and tack free. Wide variance in dry time can occur due to temperature, humidity, and surface texture.
Second Coat
- If first coat is dry to the touch, proceed with second coat.
- If first coat has cured beyond 12 hours, it must be sanded with 220 grit sand paper by hand or with an orbital sander. This sanding will ensure not only a good bond between coats, but also eliminate any imperfections, debris, or dust that may have settled onto the first coat as it was drying. Clean surface with compressed air or lint-free rag.
- Second coat applies exactly as first coat described above.
24 hours after application of second coat, surface is ready for light duty use.
48 hours after application of second coat, surface is ready for full use.
7 days after application of second coat, complete cure is achieved.
Suitability Sample
Always prepare an adequate number of test areas, including wear protection system and aesthetic suitability for products’ intended use.
Before XS-PC12 dries; spills and tools can be cleaned up with a solvent such as xylene.
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