Surecrete XS PROCAST White Concrete Countertop Mix - 50 lb Bag

SureCrete XS PROCast Pour-in-place concrete countertop and furniture mix is a single component, just add water, pourable concrete bag mix that is designed specifically for cast-in-place projects where a troweled finish is desired.
How many square feet is your precast concrete project?
Tip: multiply the length (in feet) by the width (in feet)
- Coverage: 2 square feet at 2"
- Coverage: 1.25 square feet at 4"
- Mix Ratio: up to 4.5 quarts water/50 lb. bag
Mixing & Application
Single Bag Batches
- Utilize a hand held concrete mixer with a helical (spiral) mixer blade, such as a Collomix Xo1-KR or larger. Add desired amount of clean mix water into a 5 gallon (or larger) bucket.
- If integral color is desired, add 1 pack of SureCrete SC Color into water and thoroughly mix. Please note that the amount of mix water that is used will determine the final color of the material.
- Begin by adding 1/3 of the XS PROCAST mix into your bucket and mixing until a flowable, lump free mixture is created.
- Scrape the sides of the pail, and then continue to add XS PROCAST and mix for 2-3 minutes.
- If the material needs to be loosened up, you can add small amounts of water until the consistency you are looking for is achieved, provided you do not exceed 4.5 quarts for the entire 50 pound bag. Mix water ratios beyond the maximum 4.5 quarts per 50 pound bag will result in material that will not perform as designed.
- If your project requires multiple bags and you are using SC Color packs, consider pre mixing all the color in a large vessel, and draw your colored mix water from this vessel in precise quantities to ensure color consistency from batch to batch. It is VERY IMPORTANT that you constantly agitate this colored mix water during the process to ensure that the pigments stay in solution and do not settle to the bottom.
Hand Troweled, Pour-in-Place
- Pour material into your prepared molds, making sure that you carefully consolidate the material along the edges and openings in your formwork. Start at one end and fill the mold to the top and work your way from your starting point to the end.
- As you place the material, continue to carefully consolidate the material within the forms and along the edges. This will help eliminate voids and open pockets in the slab. This can be done with a smooth rod or short piece of rebar. Mechanical vibration can also be used within the casting and along the form work provided your mold is built properly.
- After the material is consolidated and leveled with the surface, use a screed board in a sawing, back and forth motion to perform the initial process of closing up the surface.
- Once this is done, use a magnesium float to take out any ridges and close up any imperfections in the surface.
- The concrete must now be allowed to set up to a consistency where you can achieve a clean thumb-print impression in the surface. At this point, the use of steel concrete finishing trowels can be used to further close up and smooth out the surface.
Hand Packed Method (Reverse Cast)
- Start off with a mixture of XS PROCAST that is dry, clay like and lump free. You should be able to create a "mudball" in your hand that does not sag, no is too dry that it does not form a shape.
- As you pack the material in the mold that you've created, you will intentionally leave voids and fissures. This is what creates the unique veined look. Pay attention to make sure you pack the material up against the sides and corners of your mold.
- Once you have completed the hand packing process and have approximately 1/2" to 3/4" of material in the mold, you will come back immediately with a slightly looser consistency of XS PROCAST and fill the remainder of the mold (minimum 2"). Depending on the overall size of your casting and the structure you are setting it on, a sheet of fiberglass scrim can be used for reinforcement. This would be cut and placed between the packed layer and the backer layer.
- Allow your casting to cure for 24 hours prior to flipping it out of the mold. For proper curing, cover the casting with plastic during this 24 hour period.
- After carefully flipping the mold, you can now fill in the voids created by the hand packed process with SureCrete XS Slurry in a contrasting color, and then polish after the slurry has cured for 24 hours.
Often considered the most important part of any concrete casting, the sealer you select will have a significant effect on the intended use and performance of your new concrete creation. SureCrete suggests one of the following sealers to complete your XS PROCAST project. Selection will be based on application and environment of the project:
XS 327/XS 327 Antimicrobial:
Interior or Exterior Countertops.
DK400 Matte or Gloss:
Interior or Exterior Furniture or Castings.
Topical maintenance coat over either sealer above for interior countertop applications.
Suitability Sample
Always prepare an adequate number of test samples to confirm suitability for intended use.
Clean tools and water prior to XS PROCAST material setting up.
Contact your local government household hazardous waste coordinator for information on disposal of unused product.
For use by trained professionals that have read the complete TDS and SDS.
Keep out of reach of children. Inhalation: Avoid prolonged breathing of airborne dust, particularly present during mixing. Use a NIOSH approved respirator for nuisance if threshold limit values are unsafe. Skin Contact: Skin contact may cause irritation. Remove contaminated clothing and wash affected skin with soap and water. Launder clothing before reuse. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Eyes: Wear safety eye protection when applying. Contact with eyes may cause irritation. Flush eyes with water for 15 minutes. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
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