Surecrete Epoxy Flake Color Chips - 25 lbs

SureCrete’s Dura-Kote Flakes system is simple both in composition and installation, and it yields an exceptionally durable and long lasting floor. It provides not not only a the pleasing palette of color but also add a measure of slip resistance to the surface.
- Coverage: approx. 152 - 175 square feet per box
- Flake size: 1/4"
- 25 lb. box
- Pre-blended
The principles for surface preparation of the Dura-Kote Flakes system are aligned with other coating systems placed on concrete and remain constant; the substrate must be:
- Clean: The surface must be free of dust, dirt, oil, grease, paints, glues, sealers, curing agents, efflorescence, chemical contaminants, rust, algae, mildew & other foreign matter that may serve as a bond breaker or prevent proper adhesion. To remove coatings, paint, sealers, glue from concrete, etc. best results are achieved through diamond grinding or shot blasting.
- Cured: Any concrete must be sufficiently cured to have complete hydration, approximately 28 days depending on temperatures & humidity.
- Sound: No system should be placed on flaking or spalling concrete. If the surface is delaminating, or divots are present; then diamond grinding, shot blasting, or other mechanical means should be used to remove the delaminating areas. Depending upon size of area, patching may be required prior to application of Dura-Kote Flakes system. Flash Patch or Deep Level is an excellent choice of patching products to complement the system. Refer to their respective spec. sheets. Also, cracks may require treatment: evaluate crack as static or structural to set expectation of treatment. Refer to spec. sheet on SCT-22 Crack and Spall Treatment.
Construction Joints in concrete may have sufficient movement to “telegraph” through the Dura-Kote Flakes system. Large expansive slabs should have planned appropriate flexible caulks to allow for this movement and prevent bridging of the Dura-Kote Flakes system across either side of the construction joint. - Profiled: For a proper bond, the surface of concrete must be opened up or roughed up to feel like 80 – 120 grit sandpaper. This profile is best accomplished through diamond grinding or shot blasting. Proper profile should follow the standard established by the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) Technical Guide line no. 03732 for Concrete Surface Profile (CSP). The established profile is categorized as CSP-2 or CSP-3.
- Limit Moisture:Since the Dura-Kote Flakes system is not vapor permeable and due to the uncertainty of vapor barriers placed beneath concrete, testing prior to application is appropriate.
- Plastic sheet test (ASTM-D-4263) can often identify excessive moisture vapor transmission. Tape all 4 sides of an 18” (45 cm) square of clear plastic to the slab and leave in place for 16 hours. Any condensation formed or darkening of the slab beneath the plastic indicates the surface is too wet for an epoxy.
- Calcium Chloride test (ASTM-F-1869) will quantify the amount of moisture that is transmitted to surface of the slab. The moisture measurement is expressed in terms of pounds (kg) per 1,000 ft² (m²) per 24 hours. Measurements that are in excess of 3 pounds per 1,000 ft² (1.4 kg per 100 m²) over 24 hours are too wet for an epoxy. Follow directions of test kit manufacturer.
Note: these observations and measurements may be inherently flawed as they are “snapshots in time”. These tests serve only as guidelines.
Avoid application on extremely cold or hot days or during wet, foggy weather. Basic rules include:
- Apply with ambient and surface temperatures ranging above 50°F (10°C) and below 90°F (32°C) and that will remain within ranges for at least 12 hours following application.
- Surface temperature must be a minimum 5°F (3°C) above dew point.
- Relative humidity should be below 75%.
Cure Rates @ 77°F (25°C) Cure Rates @ 50°F (10°C)
Dry to touch = 4 - 5 hrs. Dry to touch = 18+ hrs.
Light traffic = 16 hrs. Light traffic = 30 hrs.
Full cure = 5 – 7 days Full cure = 14 days
- Select appropriate PPE (personal protection equipment). Provide adequate ventilation. Refer to MSDS.
- Work across the narrowest dimension of an area where practical.
- Work to an exit from wet product.
- To track coverage rate for each box of flakes, after establishing room dimensions, before mixing commences, place a short piece of masking tape on the wall to correspond to the “distance” one box should cover.
Mask all areas requiring protection; product will stick to just about everything.
Binder Coat
Binder coats may be either Dura-Kote Pigmented Epoxy 100, Dura-Kote Pigmented Epoxy WB, or Dura-Kote PFC 180, Complementary Binder Coat colors are suggested with Dura-Kote Flakes, or any of the 100’s of colors available may be selected. Some applicators may elect to use Dura-Kote Pigmented Epoxy WB for its simplicity in placement and increased square footage coverage, as it is applied in a thinner millage. For floors having numerous small holes or divots (e.g. blow-outs from carpet tack strip), Dura-Kote Pigmented Epoxy 100 can fill and “self-level” across the areas that would otherwise require patching, as it can be applied in much thicker millage. Some applicators prefer the quick dry time of Dura-Kote PFC 180 that allows projects to be completed in a single day. For specific directions on Binder Coat refer to the appropriate spec. sheet. While the binder coat is still wet, the broadcasting of Dura-Kote Flakes is ready.
The applicator must work in spiked shoes throughout the broadcasting. Toss by hand the Dura-Kote Flakes upward so that they float down to the wet Binder Coat. Broadcast sufficient flakes to rejection; completely cover the surface. If the floor has low spots where the Binder Coat is deeper, flakes may “sink.” Broadcast sufficient flakes to completely saturate the low spot. Allow the floor to dry / cure sufficiently, usually 8 – 10 hours, depending on temperature.
Clean-up flakes
Scrape the floor vigorously with a metal floor scraper to remove excess Dura-Kote Flakes. Utilize a stiff push broom to help this process. Depending upon size of area, a leaf blower may be appropriate. For large interior areas, vacuuming is appropriate. For a smoother finish, the floor may be screened with a 100 grit sanding screen on a rotational floor machine. The left over flakes may be gathered and bagged for use on another project.
Finish Coat
For superior abrasion and chemical resistance the system requires a protective Finish Coat. There are several choices that have varying advantages:
- Dura-Kote Polyurethane SB (gloss) – high gloss
- Dura-Kote Epoxy 100- high build
- Dura-Kote Polyurethane WB (gloss) – low VOC
- Dura-Kote Polyurethane WB (satin) – tone down the gloss
- Dura-Kote PFC-120 – quick dry
- Dura-Kote PFC-180 – quick dry, moderate build
For specific directions on finish coat refer to the appropriate spec. sheet.
Slip Resistance
Two recognized US agencies have issued directives on minimum coefficient of friction, OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and Department of Justice through the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). ADA is the more stringent of the two. ADA directs that accessible walkways have a minimum coefficient of friction of 0.6. Ramps have been directed to be 0.8. The applicator assumes the responsibility to meet these standards. Areas that may become wet, oily, or greasy require special attention. Refer to spec. sheets on SureGrip (Additive) and its accompanying coefficient of friction table.
Suitability Sample
Due to condition specific sites, always prepare an adequate number of test areas. Wear protection system and aesthetic suitability for products' intended use should be included. On site sample approval is especially critical on substantial, heavy traffic situation or custom coloration.
Before Dura-Kote Flakes dry; spills and tools can be cleaned up with a solvent such as xylene or acetone.
Contact your local government household hazardous waste coordinator for information on disposal of unused product. Upon curing, left over catalyzed product is not hazardous.
- For use by trained professionals that have read the complete SDS.
- Product is strictly for interior use, upon well drained concrete slab with appropriate vapor barrier, subject to no hydrostatic pressure.
- When masking use caution while taping to a floor that is not completely cured, especially at edges, as delamination may occur.
- Protect from metal wheel traffic and some furniture where point of contact may be damaging.
- Chemicals used in tire manufacturing may be detrimental to all sealers from vehicular parking.