Surecrete Xtreme Series Concrete Countertop Slurry Compound

XS Slurry makes for an elegantly simple solution to a very typical problem in precast concrete pieces. Voids and pinholes can be very difficult to fill without having discoloration or concrete shrinkage issues. The incredibly small aggregate used to formulate the XS Slurry counter top mix product allows it to be used to easily fill voids that other mixes are simply unable to fill efficiently.
Given that it can be applied by simply hand packing with gloves, XS Slurry can be applied by both professional fabricator crews and homeowners doing DIY projects.
Surface Preparation
Precast pieces should be cleaned with SCR 3:1 with water (3 parts water to 1 part SCR) see SCR TDS. Surface should be sound (i.e. no crumbling or flaking).
XS Precast Slurry has no special curing properties. It matches the properties required by its host precast surface and application should be inside a shop. See XS Precast and XS Face TDS.
Mixing and Handling
- Estimate quantity of mix required, allowing for possible future touch-ups.
- Add a portion of dry Color Pack if desired to dry mix and stir in thoroughly.
- Set aside some of dry mix for possible future touch-ups.
- Estimate quantity of water required, < ¼ of dry mix volume to be used.
- Slowly introduce XS Precast Slurry into a vessel containing pre-measured water and mix by hand or with cordless drill equipped with a jiffy-style mixer.
- Add additional water as desired, should be approximately tile grout consistency.
Slurry Coat
- All voids and pinholes to be slurried must be dry.
- Rub and push slurry with a gloved hand into all voids and pinholes.
- Entire piece must be slurried to maintain color consistency.
- Remove excess slurry while still malleable with a plastic Bondo knife.
- Allow to dry to the touch.
- Several lifts of Xtreme Precast Slurry may be required for especially rough textures.
- Sand away excess dried slurry with orbital sander equipped with 200 – 400 grit sand paper or diamond pad.
Suitability Sample
Always prepare a sample to establish aesthetic suitability. Sample approval is especially critical for custom coloration.
Clean Up
Before Xtreme Precast Slurry dries; spills and tools can be cleaned up with water.
Contact your local government household hazardous waste coordinator for information on disposal of unused product.
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